CRIBCO Forest Products Ltd.

Holds three forest tenures: a Non-Replicable Forest License; a Woodlot License; and a First Nations Woodland License.

Two are long-term, area-based tenures, one is a volume-based tenure. The total cut for all three tenures combined is just under 21,000 cubic meters per year.  The operating areas for the three licenses range from Pye Lake – north of Campbell River on Vancouver Island – and on the Mainland from Heydon Bay all the way up to the head of Loughborough Inlet (Stafford Lake and Apple River).

CRIBCO Forest Product’s company affairs are overseen by five appointed Directors, four of whom are Wei Wai Kum members. The Directors oversee the activities of CRIBCO’s business to ensure that the appropriate interests of the shareholder (Wei Wai Kum Nation) are met.  Capacity Forest Management has been hired by the Directors to manage the tenures and all aspects of the day-to-day operations but reports regularly to and takes direction from the appointed CRIBCO Board of Directors.

Contact: 250-287-2120 (Capacity Forest Management Ltd.) |

Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday to Friday

The First Nations Woodland License was issued in June, 2015. It was only the third such license issued in the province. These licenses recognize First Nations’ asserted interests in the land and resources, including the protection of traditional use practices, the harvest and management of non-timber forest products, and other benefits. This long-term and area-based tenure allows First Nations to have an increased role in forest stewardship, to protect traditional uses, to manage forest and land use in the area, and to improve their ability to secure investment and loans.