Building a House
When the Band has land available for members who wish to build a house, members are required to present one of the following documents in order to proceed:
- Signed letter from a financial institution approving you for a mortgage, or;
- Signed letter from a financial institution stating you have the funds in your account to build.
The Band does not currently have any sites available for private home construction. The Band has a 200-acre section of land that will be developed for housing. The site is on the north side of the Inland Highway between Willis Road and Jubilee Parkway. It will likely be ready for home construction around 2022. Contact the Housing Administrator, Patricia Romanciwicz for more information: or 250-286-6949
The Band currently has six rental units for low-income Members and three elders’ rental units. Three duplexes (six units total) designated for rental to low-income elders will be built during the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Elders are Band members who are age 65 or older. Members age 60 to 64 will be considered as a secondary priority.
Band members who would like to be added to the waiting list for one of the existing units are asked to contact the Housing Department in writing by sending a letter to the Band Office at 1650 Old Spit Road, Campbell River, V9W 3E8). Application information for the elders’ units under construction will be sent to all members age 65 and older once application criteria are finalized.
The band has 16 units that are rent-to-own. There are no lots currently available to construct rent-to-own housing, however members with larger properties that could accommodate another home for a family member may speak with the housing department about the idea.