Happy Holidays!
Income Assistance Cheque Day is Wednesday November 19th 2018 for the month of January 2019
·Paylists for Income Assistance are processed every Thursday/Friday before Cheque day, therefore, if declarations are handed in late, there is a 2 – 3 day wait until your cheque may be processed.
DECLARATIONS –In order for your file to remain OPEN, Please provide all necessary paperwork and monthly renewal declarations before December 14th. Please ensure that you declare all your earned/unearned income each month to prevent delays in issuing your cheque.
BILLS – When handing in necessary monthly documentation unless on EPP for the following bills (hydro, Fortis), please include entire bill showing monthly consumption, as this is what determines your monthly entitlement.
If bills are not handed in before the 14th (telephone), there will be no payment for this on your cheque. Also when bills like hydro etc. come after the 15th, please hand in as soon as you receive it to receive your eligible amounts for that month.
·Work Search forms were handed and explained to each Employable Clients. Please make sure this is filled out and handed in with your declarations. No works search = no cheque
·REMINDER that Home Support timesheets need to be submitted by Monday December 17th and to include Dec 1 – 21st as we will be off till Jan 2, 2019. Cheques will be issued within 3 days of submission.
I will be on Holidays from Dec 21, 2018 – Jan 8, 2019.
Have a Wonderful Holiday
Nicole Dumont, Social Development Administrator